3 dog friendly beaches in Cornwall, England
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Todays post is all about my favourite 3 dog friendly beaches in Cornwall. Sadly we no longer have Barney but, that doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate the memories I made with him or share with you our favourite places to go for walks.
We had Barney for 10 years and he was a very active dog (which was strange for a cavalier.) So the places I am recommending are for doggies that need a bit of extra room for running all year round.
1. Crantock
Crantock hands down is my most favourite beach in Cornwall. I have fond memories of playing on the beach as a child and of course taking Barney on many walks. Crantock is dog friendly all year round and because it is such a massive beach it meant Barney could run to his hearts desire without disturbing the poor people sunbathing. The one thing I would mention is to get to the car park early in the Summer months or visit late in the evening as it tends to fill up quickly. Also if you are National Trust member it is free.

2. Holywell Bay
Holywell Bay is also another beach visited many times by Barney and I. With its stunning views of the rocks and great sand dunes it is definitely a favourite with tourists and locals. Again like Crantock it is a dog friendly beach all year round and has a National Trust car park.
Crantock and Holywell both have great rivers running to the sea, making it a great safe place to take children. However, for dog walking I would say that Crantock (when the tide is out) is slightly bigger. If that is a concern for you and your dog I know we needed a decent amount of space with Barney!
If you haven’t seen already I do have a quick blog post on Holywell last year where I’ve shared more pictures of its beautiful landscape and of course Barney running around to his hearts content. I will link it here if you are interested!
3. Perranporth
Perranporth is a humungous beach when the tide is out (I think it actually spans across a few different beaches as pictured). However when the tide is in it does make it rather small and with added tourists in the summer months it’s probably not a beach I would recommend.
Perranporth is dog friendly all year round however, in the summer months they do have a ‘keep your dogs on a lead’ zone due to the volume of people. This zone is about to where the headland juts out in the picture. That point is also where the tide will cut off the rest of the beach. You can carry the rest of your walk on the headland but, I would recommend doing so on a lead.
I do have to say Perranporth in the winter is great especially if you’re doggless like me, as there are so many that get walked there. It’s like dog heaven and gives me a bit of my doggy fix. I do have an older post from New Year which features some more pictures of Perranporth.
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Lots of love, Melissa x