A few days in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hello and welcome back to my blog! Sorry, again this week I am recycling some old photos from my graphic design study trip to Amsterdam in 2015! Wow it doesn’t feel that long ago.
The study trip
This study trip involved visiting a few graphic design studios and exploring a little bit of the city. We didn’t have much time there as it was a short stay.
Where we stayed
What we did in Amsterdam
Amsterdam is such a beautiful place with the canals and architecture. However, like mentioned we did not have too much time there as it was a study trip. But, we did manage in between visiting studio to explore the Anne Frank museum, walk down the red light district at night, the sex museum… (not my choice) the science museum and get a photo by

the I am Amsterdam sign.
When I go back I would love to visit a few more of the museums like: Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh and Body Worlds, If you have anymore suggestions then please let me know.
While I was on my study trip I made a short YouTube video of my time there. I also think you would enjoy my other cheap European holiday posts on: Barcelona, Croatia and Mallorca.
Lots of love, Melissa x