London at Christmas
Today’s post is an overview of photographs from my month spent in London doing my Graphic Design internship with Pearlfisher. Which I loved! Of course, while I was doing my internship I took some time on the weekends to explore London and what it is like at Christmas time!
First Weekend
The first weekend while I was in London was spent with my friends visiting the Tate and going out for a meal and a drink in the evening. This was at the beginning of November so there wasn’t too many Christmassy things to do at this point.
Second weekend
On the second weekend my boyfriend came up to visit me and we looked around Oxford Street and met up with some friends in Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland. Winter Wonderland was massive and definitely got me into the Christmas spirit! Unfortunately, it was raining that day so, we spent the majority of our time drinking mulled wine inside the taverns. I wasn’t complaining!
Third Weekend
On the third and final weekend, my Mum came up to visit me and we had a full on packed weekend. When she first arrived we looked at all of the tourist sights at night. Big Ben, the London Eye and Trafalgar

Square and went for some yummy Nando’s.
The next day we visited the Natural History Museum and headed to Winter Wonderland in the evening. It was dry this time but so so so cold and an awful lot busier!
On the last day was spent window shopping, we headed to Convent Garden, looked at the market stalls and street performers. Then made our way to Carnaby Street. Looked inside the beautiful Liberty. Adored the Christmas decorations in John Lewis on Oxford Street. Finally we had a wonder around Selfridge’s before having some tea at Zizzi’s, before dropping Mum off to Paddington Station.
I hope you enjoyed some of these festive photos, I didn’t take as many as I would have liked too but I was enjoying the time I spent with my friends and family.
Lots of love, Melissa x