Baking festive rice krispie treats for Christmas
Hello everyone! This post is about baking festive rice krispie treats, a little bit different than my usual. However, I was extremely bored and in the mood for some baking so, I cooked up these very easy rice krispie treats and thought I would share them with you!
I made Christmas trees, Christmas puddings and a gingerbread man. All of which don’t require any special equipment, great for making with children or, in my case novice bakers!
White Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Rice Krispes, Green food colouring, Icing sugar, Smarties/m&m’s/Skittles.
Saucepan, Spoon, Mixing bowl, Sieve, Parchment paper cut into semi circles, Sellotape, Glasses, Gingerbread man cut out, (Optional ball mould).

- Melt white chocolate over a boiling saucepan of water.
- Add green food colouring and mix thoroughly.
- Add green white chocolate mix to a quarter of a box of rice krispies and mix together well.
- Roll cut out semi circles of parchment paper into cones and stick together with sellotape.
- Fill rice krispes mix into cones making sure it is compact.
- Prop cones into fridges using a glass to keep them up right.
- Leave in fridge for half an hour to an hour or until set.
- Make some icing sugar paste and use this to stick on your decorations of choice, (I found the thicker the paste the easier it was to stick on the decorations and make them set in the right place it was.)
- Put back in fridge to set.
- Finish off your Christmas trees with a dusting of icing sugar.
- Melt dark over a boiling saucepan of water.
- Add dark chocolate mix to a quarter of a box of rice krispies and mix together well.
- Fill rice krispes mix into ball moulds making sure it is compact OR alternatively melt some marshmallows and add to rice krispe mix to make the mixture sticky and mould this mixture into balls with your hands.
- Leave in fridge for half an hour to an hour or until set.
- Take out of ball mould.
- Make some icing sugar paste and drizzle this on the top of your balls also using this to stick on your red berry (smartie).
- Put back in fridge to set.
- Finish off your Christmas Puddings with a dusting of icing sugar.
- Melt dark over a boiling saucepan of water.
- Add dark chocolate mix to a quarter of a box of rice krispies and mix together well.
- Fill rice krispes mix into Gingerbread man cutter mould.
- Leave in fridge for half an hour to an hour or until set.
- (Optional decorate your Gingerbread Man with some icing sugar and decorations.)
- Take out of mould once all set.
- Finish off your Gingerbread man with a dusting of icing sugar.
Summary and other posts
I hope you enjoyed these really easy but effective festive treats, maybe it gives you something to do over the Christmas break. I will leave a link to my Pinterest board whereI find all of my baking inspiration. If you enjoyed this post check out my latest Christmas baking post here.
Lots of love, Melissa x