Notting Hill, London
I am finally back from my graphic design internship (read about what it is like being a graphic design intern) in London. And I wanted to share some photos of my trip to Notting Hill.
I wanted to take some really cute outfit pics in front of the famous and very instagrammable houses around Portobello Market. However, the weekend I chose to do it, it snowed, again! I couldn’t brave taking off my coat in temperature of -5. So just imagine the cute spring outfit I have on underneath! In fact I do have a YouTube video I created of all my outfits that I wore interning, so that should give you a good idea.
Portobello Market
While in Notting Hill we walked down Portobello Market which is in full swing on Saturdays. However, to be honest it was your usual kind of market stands. I don’t know if I didn’t enjoy it as much because my hands were freezing off and I just wanted to go indoors somewhere.
Farm Girl cafe
We also tried to visit the Farm Girl Cafe. However, at 11:45 there was already a half an hour queue out of the door. We weren’t going to wait in these freezing temperatures. It’s a shame because I thought that it might have been busy because it’s got such a good reputation. So I did try to book online before hand but I couldn’t.

We did instead go to the Humming Bird bakery where I bought a cookies and cream cupcake and a soy chai latte. This was my first time having a soy chai latte and it was the most amazing thing ever! It’s such a shame you can’t find them in most places. Haha well in Cornwall…
Overall, Notting Hill is beautiful. The best way to explore it is to wonder down all the little streets and see what you find. I would definitely want to come back in the Summer. Hopefully then the temperature is warmer and the blossom is on the trees!
Lots of love, Melissa x