The Royal Cornwall show
This post is all about The Royal Cornwall Show, which is held annually in June in the Wadebridge show ground.
I mean am I even a Cornish blogger if I don’t write about The Royal Cornwall Show? Haha. I hold many fond memories from the show that happens annually on the first weekend of June. It is something that is consistent and never changes even if I do! When I was a child I use to be a runner for the show with the Girl Guides. This was always a blast as it meant very little work, free entry and as many freebies as you could get. I remember we would have competitions of who got the most!
Proud to be Cornish
As well as all the freebies and tasters, the Royal Cornwall show just offers the best of Cornwall. From agriculture to food to entertainment, you’ll find everything proud to be Cornish here.
my highlights from the Royal Cornwall Show
Some of my highlights are: the animal tents, craft tent, flower show, the food tent and of course the beautifully old fashioned fairground. My Mum and I went around the ferris wheel to see the show from an aerial view.

Royal Cornwall also holds entertainment in the main show ground. This year we saw the kangaroo kid (a quad bike display). The RAF parachuters and a World War One horse re-enactment which, unfortunately it started to chuck it down during! Every year the entertainment and shows change. One year we saw the stunt horses and doubles from Poldark and Game of the Thrones.
It was such a lovey hot day in the morning and quite literally, out of the blue it poured it down with rain. No one having a coat or umbrella, I think it’s fair to say we were all soaked through. Everyone diving into the tents or back to the car for shelter actually was rather humorous. But, it meant cutting the day short and unfortunately no more photo were taken!
If you never been to The Royal Cornwall show and you’re in Cornwall, I would highly recommend it. You must go at least once! I hope you enjoyed this blog post and it gave you a flavour for what Cornwall has to offer.
Lots of love, Melissa x