How to create a gallery wall for your bedroom using prints from Desesnio.
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Todays post is all about how to create a gallery wall in your bedroom using prints from Desesnio. In this interior design blog post I will cover tips on layout, how to pick your prints and how to hang your gallery wall successfully (no crooked pictures here!)
Why I wanted a gallery wall
Where to get inspiration
Like mentioned above I got my inspiration from Pinterest. I will leave a link to my bedroom pinterest board here. However, everyone’s style is different so it is a matter of hunting down pins you like. Desesnio also have a fantastic feature on their website called gallery walls where they have curated beautiful collections which you can easily shop.

How to pick your prints for your gallery wall
Now admittedly this took me a rather long time. Desenio have so many prints to chose from which is a blessing and a curse! I really wanted to incorporate textures onto my wall, so whether that was with charcoal looking lines on the bigger print. Or the two line drawing prints of hands and a face which have a linen look background. I was going for anything that warmed up my room, making it more homely and inviting.
Once you have found your style and the type of vibe you are going for on your gallery wall I would recommend filtering the searches on Desenio’s site by categories or size. I actually found that not every print came in every size so, this helped tremendously with cutting down the search time. Which leads me onto…
How to figure out the layout for your gallery wall using newspaper
Now from my inspirational Pinterest board I figured out I liked more of a mix matched gallery wall. Whether that was in the various sizes of the prints, the actual layout of the prints on the wall or the frames. In the end I went for 1 large print (30x40cm), 3 medium sized prints (21x30cm) and 3 small prints (13x18cm). This allowed me to achieve the mix match I wanted but also balance. I will also mention that the larger prints and frames also cost more so I did take that into consideration. I also knew I wanted a macrame* to bring in some more of that texture to the wall.
I would recommend once you have a vague idea of what prints you want to get some newspaper and cut out the correct sizes of the prints (which you can see on the website.) Then using a little bit of blu tack* start plotting out the layout of your gallery wall. Be careful as blue tack can mess up white walls so only use a little bit and press lightly.
By using newspaper to plot out your gallery wall you will. A.) Get a much clearer idea of how you gallery wall will look. This means you won’t go over board on buying lots of prints only to return a load. And B.) Save your wall from lots of holes from potential nails.
Mocking up your gallery wall
You may find you really like a print but, cohesively it doesn’t work with the other prints. I would recommend sticking to your theme and colour palette and just mix up the textures of the prints. You can get a flow for the prints by placing ‘busy’ prints next to more calming prints with more negative space. This step might take quite a lot of trail and error.
You may also find that some prints look better smaller or larger on your gallery wall so play around with size. Just make sure desenio do that print in that size though!

buying your frames
Now you have your gallery wall sorted it is time to buy your prints and their frames. I would recommend buying the frames from Desenio also as it is just super easy and convenient but, that is entirely up to you. I will say that the frames are not the best of quality however, they’re pretty inexpensive so what can you expect.
There is a lot of choice for what finish you would like on your frames on Desenio. I would recommend picking frames that compliment the artwork inside and the vibe you are going for. As you can see I mix matched my frames. I went for oak and black wood, as again I was trying to add warmth and texture into my room.
How to use command stips

Other posts
Another interior post you may enjoy is my room makeover and my two interior YouTube videos: Room makeover before and after and my student room tour.